The 4 Best Supplements For Cycling Sessions

Cycling is an intense sport that requires strength, endurance, and the ability to quickly recover after a long ride. For many athletes, getting the right combination of nutrients and compounds to propel their performance takes careful planning and dedication. Yet, by introducing a handful of potent supplements into their routines, cyclers can build lean muscle and power to drive them forward.

A combination of creatine and caffeine can give cyclers the power they need to ride for miles on end without hitting a wall of fatigue. During their performance, added electrolytes can help replace essential minerals lost through sweat. Then, after returning home, cyclers can benefit from added whey protein to increase muscular development.

If you’re a cyclist looking to improve your performance, keep reading to learn about 4 incredible supplements that can give you power, energy, and endurance, and help you to recover after a long ride.

This guide will explain where these supplements come from and discuss how they work for your body.

1. Caffeine

Caffeine is the number one most widely used psychoactive compound in the world. It’s found in common beverages, such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, and colas, as well as certain foods, such as chocolate and chewing gum. It’s widely known to increase alertness and improve focus, which can also improve reaction times, increase power output, and reduce perceived effort, making it an essential tool for many athletes.

For cyclists, caffeine can be a godsend. It can help you power through a long ride when your body is begging you to stop. It can also help you to avoid feeling fatigued during or after a race. Caffeine’s ability to improve reaction time can also be beneficial for cyclists as it can help you to react quickly to changes in the terrain or to other riders.

Cyclists can get their caffeine fixes from a variety of sources. Coffee is a popular choice as it’s easy to find and relatively affordable. However, some cyclists prefer to take caffeine in a powder form as a pre-workout supplement, as it’s easier to control the dosage and avoid the calories that come from drinking sweetened coffee beverages. Pre-workouts are commonly sold in supplement stores.

Energy drinks and gels are also popular choices as they’re designed specifically for athletes and usually contain other beneficial ingredients, such as electrolytes. The downside to these products, though, is that it’s hard to measure out an exact dosage before a ride.

2. Creatine

Although the average person isn’t consuming pure creatine on an everyday basis, it is one of the most commonly used supplements in the athletic and bodybuilding communities. It has a long history of research and development to back it up and has been recommended by doctors, nutritionists, and trainers for more than three decades.

Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates and helps to supply energy to cells, particularly muscle cells. It’s found in red meat and fish and can also be produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Once it’s consumed, creatine is converted into phosphocreatine and stored in the muscles for use during high-intensity exercise.


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    When phosphocreatine is broken down, it releases energy that helps to power muscle contractions. This process is known as the phosphagen system and is the body’s primary source of energy during short, explosive bouts of exercise, such as sprinting or weightlifting.

    For cyclists, creatine can be beneficial as it can help to increase power output and delay fatigue. It does this by providing energy to the muscles during long rides and by reducing the buildup of lactic acid, which can cause muscle cramping. Creatine can also help to improve recovery by reducing muscle damage and promoting the synthesis of new proteins.

    Creatine is most commonly consumed in powder form, though it is also available in capsules, tablets, and liquids. By taking it as a powder, though, you can easily mix it into a shake or another beverage and drink the nutrient throughout the day.

    We should note, though, that it’s important to take creatine with carbohydrates. This will help to increase absorption and reduce possible stomach upsets.

    If you’re new to creatine, you may also choose to load the product, meaning that you take a higher dose for the first 5-7 days to help saturate your muscles with the compound. After that, you can reduce the dosage to a maintenance level of 3-5 grams per day.

    3. Electrolytes

    Electrolytes are minerals that dissociate into electrically charged particles, known as ions when they’re dissolved in water. These ions are essential for a variety of bodily functions, such as regulating blood pressure, muscle contraction, and nerve impulses. The four main electrolytes are sodium, potassium, chloride, and magnesium.

    For athletes, electrolytes are essential as they’re lost through sweat. As such, it’s important to replenish these nutrients to avoid cramping, dehydration, and a drop in performance. During a long ride, cyclists can lose a significant amount of electrolytes through sweat.

    As such, it’s important to replenish these nutrients to avoid cramping, dehydration, and a drop in performance.

    The best way to do this is to drink an electrolyte-rich beverage, such as a sports drink, before, during, and after your ride. You can also find electrolyte supplements that come in a powdered form and can easily be mixed into water. This can be a convenient option as you can control how many electrolytes you’re taking in and avoid the sugar that’s often found in sports drinks.

    4. Whey Protein

    Whey protein is a type of protein that’s derived from milk. It’s made up of a variety of compounds, such as beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, and immunoglobulins.

    Whey protein is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids that the body needs to perform optimally. When dosed appropriately, these compounds help to produce new muscle tissue and support healthy bodily functions.

    There are three popular types of whey protein, each with its own strengths and benefits. These include:

    1. Whey protein concentrates (WPC): This form of whey protein is around 70-80% protein with the rest made up of lactose, fats, and minerals. WPC is the most affordable form of whey protein and is a good option for those on a budget or with protein-sensitive stomachs.
    2. Whey protein isolates (WPI): WPI is a purer form of whey protein as it’s had much of the fat and lactose removed. As such, it’s around 90% protein. WPI is a good choice for those who are looking for purer protein powders.
    3. Whey protein hydrolysates (WPH): WPH is a pre-digested form of whey protein that’s had some of the amino acids broken down. This makes it easier for the body to absorb and use. WPH is the most expensive form of whey protein but can be beneficial for those who have trouble digesting protein powders.

    Whey protein is a popular choice for athletes as it’s quickly absorbed by the body and helps to promote muscle growth and recovery. For cyclists, whey protein can help to increase muscle mass, which can improve power output. It can also help to reduce recovery time by encouraging the muscles to repair and rebuild themselves after a ride.

    Whey protein is most commonly consumed in powder form and is often mixed into shakes or smoothies. It can also be added to oatmeal, pancakes, and other recipes. If you have lactose intolerance, though, you may want to opt for a plant-based protein powder, such as pea protein, as whey protein can be hard to digest for some people.


    Cycling is a demanding sport that requires a lot from the body. To perform at their best, cyclists need to carefully plan their nutrition and supplement regimen.

    By incorporating a few key supplements into their routines, though, cyclists can give their bodies the nutrients they need to power through long rides, recover quickly, and build lean muscle.

    About the author
    The 4 Best Supplements For Cycling Sessions — Bike Hacks