Skateboard Bike Rack Hack

Last week I think I witnessed a first on Bike Hacks – the incorporation of a skateboard for cargo/passenger transport. The electric assist bike we featured had a skateboard fastened to the rear of the bike, meant for someone to sit on. I am not sure how comfortable that might be without padding, but it still was a pretty ingenious idea.
As a kid I both pulled and was pulled by a bike while riding a skateboard with a rope – an entirely different and often unsafe mode of cargo transport that resulted in a few scars I carry with me to this day.
The Skateboard Bike Rack Hack
I bumped into a second instance of a skateboard rack while trawling the blog of a reader, Old Fool. The gentleman in charge has been cobbling together a cargo bike and it looks like a pretty formidable cargo transport machine. The full write up is here and all pictures below are credited to Old Fool.
On the rear it is easy to spot the repurposing of a skateboard. From the looks of it, a few animals must be quite grateful for this extreme sport bike hack. Have you merged two forms of transport?