4 Remedies For Knee-Pain Release You can do at Home

Knee pain is a common ailment amongst people of all age groups. While minor knee pain can cause some trivial discomfort, knee pain can often be very intense, to the point of disrupting your daily schedule and day-to-day life, so here are remedies you can do.


4 Remedies For Knee-Pain Release At Home15 Effective Home Remedies for Knee Pain | ProT Gold

Various ailments could manifest in the form of knee pain, with numerous causes for these ailments. The compression knee sleeve can help with the pain and it’s good protection too. 

The most common factors that could give rise to knee pain include obesity, injuries to the knees, and the gradual wear and tear of the cartilage in our knees as we age.

Knee pain can often make walking difficult and climbing stairs almost seem like a punishment.

Knee pain is a common ailment amongst people of all age groups. While minor knee pain can cause some trivial discomfort, knee pain can often be very intense, to the point of disrupting your daily schedule and day-to-day life.


1. Massage with Essential Oils

Essential oils are extracted from plants and have properties that can help relieve knee pain. These essential oils can be mixed with massage oils like coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil and be used to massage the affected knee.

However, when using essential oils to massage the affected area, care must be taken to not use them directly as they might irritate your skin. Furthermore, diluting them with a regular massage oil can make it easier to absorb them through the skin.

Essential oils like lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, and ginger oil are known to be particularly effective. You must also check for allergies by applying a small amount of oil to your skin before the massage.


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    2. RICE Therapy

    Rice (Rest – Ice – Compression – Elevation)  therapy is an effective treatment to relieve inflammation and swelling and help relieve knee pain resulting from common strains and sprains. The therapy consists of four steps.

    • The first and foremost thing that you should do in the event of a sprained or strained knee is to take ample rest and avoid straining your knee in any way whatsoever. Even while walking, you should avoid putting weight on the injured knee.
    • Placing a bag of ice or an ice pack on your knee can help relieve the pain. For the treatment to be effective place an ice pack on your knee 4 to 8 times a day for a period of roughly 20 minutes. Avoid keeping the ice pack for too long though, as it can cause frostbite.
    • Compressions can help provide relief from pain.  It can also help with sore knees and minimizes swelling To apply uniform compresses, use a compression bandage which can either be an elastic wrap or splints. Suitable levels of compression can also be achieved through knee sleeves.
    • Elevating your leg to a level higher than your heart can also help prevent or reduce swelling. This should be done only on the day of the injury or the day after and no later than that.
      Hot and Cold Therapy

    Just like RICE therapy, hot and cold therapy also involves applying hot and cold compresses to help relieve pain and inflation.

    Unlike what it may seem from the name, both hot and cold compresses must not be applied, rather only one of the two must be performed.

    The type of compression that is applied depends on the cause of the pain. A hot compression is applied when the knee pain is due to a chronic ailment like arthritis. Hot compression must strictly be avoided if there are signs of inflammation.

    To avoid inflammation or rather, reduce its intensity, a cold compress must be used, for example in the event of a sports injury.

    3. Hot and Cold Therapy

    Just like RICE therapy, hot and cold therapy also involves applying hot and cold compresses to help relieve pain and inflation. Unlike what it may seem from the name, both hot and cold compresses must not be applied, rather only one of the two must be performed.

    The type of compression that is applied depends on the cause of the pain. A hot compression is applied when the knee pain is due to a chronic ailment like arthritis. Hot compression must strictly be avoided if there are signs of inflammation.

    To avoid inflammation or rather, reduce its intensity, a cold compress must be used, for example in the event of a sports injury.

    4.  Supplements and Weight Loss

    girls doing yoga

    Obesity is a direct cause of knee pain in a large number of cases due to the increased amount of stress on the knees.

    Losing weight by following an effective and healthy diet and through light exercise can work wonders for your knee pain. Following a balanced diet is extremely important.

    Not only will it help you shed some kilos, but will also ensure that you do not have any deficiency. The deficiency of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D can cause joint pain along with the weakening of the bones.

    You can also consume supplements in the right doses to help you cover your deficiencies. However, before taking supplements, you should always consult your doctor.

    Knee pain can often be extremely uncomfortable and can make even the simplest of tasks challenging to execute. assHowever, you can help relieve knee pain through various home-based remedies. The type of remedy depends on the reason behind the pain.

    However, no matter what the cause of your knee pain is, ample rest is always an important part of the treatment and the recovery process

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    4 Remedies For Knee-Pain Release You can do at Home