Is It Better To Take Oil Before Or After A Bike Ride?
Many health enthusiasts are beginning to add CBD to their daily routine, allowing them to maximize their health and wellbeing. Taking CBD is very effective and easy. The only thing that users are unsure of is when to take it, especially if they plan to exercise that day.
As we know, CBD can be taken in many forms. There is no right or wrong way to take it, it all depends on the type of CBD product you use. For example, if you use gummies, you’re going to digest them. You can buy just CBD gummies for anxiety online, they are one of the best sellers in the industry.
At Bike Hacks, we want to see whether or not you should take CBD before or after a bike ride.
When to take CBD
To confirm, there is no right or wrong time to take CBD. It is effective before and after a bike ride, so it really doesn’t matter when you take it. If you prefer to take it before your bike ride, feel free to do so. However, if you are planning on using creams and lotions, perhaps wait until afterward so you don’t hinder the benefits by having your solution sweating off your skin.
These products need time to soak into the skin and therefore sweat and water will stop this from happening. If you’re someone who prefers to apply CBD, then why not purchase CBD anti ageing serum by Loxa Beauty online.
The reason why you can take CBD at any time during the day is that it won’t hinder your focus in any way. CBD doesn’t make you tired, it doesn’t make you high either. It makes you feel calm and relaxed, in a normal body state. This means you can still do anything whilst consuming CBD.
This is something a lot of people seem to not understand as they assume CBD works in the same way as THC when in actual fact they are completely different chemical compounds. THC is the compound that makes you have psychoactive experiences, it is illegal in doses over 0.3%.
Benefits of CBD
CBD can be very useful to take before and after a bike ride because of its healing properties. CBD is an anti-inflammatory that targets muscle aches and pains. As bikers, there are many occasions when we suffer from muscle pains and lactic acid.
It’s hard to find the right remedy to ease this pain, but CBD is certainly a recommendable one. You can either apply the CBD directly to the area that is in pain, or you can just take CBD in a way that it will enter your bloodstream and you will still get the benefits from it. For example, if you don’t want to apply lotion, you could buy CBD jelly at, a product heavily recommended by CBD expert, Dr. Laura Geigaite.