Some Tips and Tricks How to Make Your Bike Faster

Are you in search of some mind-blowing ideas to make your bike faster? Are you fed up with the speed of your bike? Or you are just craving to go faster? But your bike is so slow! That’s your pain point! Well! It is one of the most irritating things that can ever happen, especially when running late. After all, what is the purpose of a bike if it is slow! A slow bike is not of much use, especially when you are in a rush.
But you don’t need to worry, because we have got your back profoundly. We understand what you are looking for. We know what you are going through. And we are here to provide you with the best solution ever. All you need to do is, pay full attention to this article. Don’t miss even a single word. Because after reading it thoroughly, you will fix the speed of your bike.
But Is it Essential to Speed Up your Bike?
A slow bike is not as valuable as a fast bike because the ultimate purpose of any transport is to save your time and go quickly. Sometimes, you need to go somewhere in a rush. And if your bike is slow, you will get late. Apart from this, sometimes people hate riding slow. They want their bikes to fly like a plane. And if their cycle is dead, they do not enjoy the ride. Above all, if you have any transport, you need to take care of that in every possible way. And the speed of the bike matters a lot.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s check out some of the most authentic ways to make your bike faster and your life easier!
1. Keep it Clean
You know, you can’t expect to ride fast without keeping it clean. A cleaner bike is a faster bike. If your bike is dirty and full of mud or garbage, its speed will automatically decrease. Because when dirt accumulates on your bike, it makes the system rust and decay. And how can you expect to ride faster on a decayed bike? So, cleaning is necessary, and you can never overlook its worth.
Now the question is, how you will keep your bike clean all the time. Well! It is not possible to keep it clean all the time. But at least, you can try. Nothing is impossible if you work hard and consistently. Suppose you are very busy and don’t find enough time to clean it thoroughly. Then, it would help if you started changing the strategy. To avoid the hassle, you must clean your bike at least once a day. And it won’t take more than 5 minutes.
- Keep your bike clean.
- It won’t take more than 5 minutes a day.
- Clean your bike in-depth, once a week.
- Never let grease accumulate in it.
- A clean bike is a fast bike.
2. Lube the Drivetrain
The second most important way to make your bike faster is by lubricating the drivetrain. Sometimes, you forget to oil it correctly, which gradually slows down your cycle. Moreover, if the drivetrain is not adequately lubricated, your bike will not let you ride smoothly. It will create disturbing noise also. So, if you are a bike lover and loves to ride faster, then lubrication is that secret key.
But hold on! You can’t lubricate your bike without gathering the essentials. The first thing you need to remember is not to lubricate your bike excessively. Excess of everything is terrible, and you may have heard it. But in this case, it is practical. Suppose you will over-lubricate your bike, your bike will be greasy, and it will accumulate dirt eventually. So, lubricate the drivetrain moderately and do not cross limits.
- Lubrication is the best way to make your bike smooth and faster
- But never over-lubricate, otherwise it will have opposite results.
3. Try Aerodynamic Position
Another way to make your bike faster is to ride in an aerodynamic position. It is the position that allows you to run efficiently. Aerodynamic is the position also used by sportspersons. What you have to do is, lower the front end of your bike. If you cannot reduce the front end accurately, check out the spacer underneath the stem. And if you find more spacer there, you need to remove a few to set the aerodynamic position.
Moreover, this position has few complications, especially if you do not exercise regularly. A person who wants to ride in an aerodynamic position must exercise regularly. If your muscles and bones lack strength and flexibility and your belly is fat, then you can’t expect to ride for an extended period. So, exercise is necessary to ride in this position for an extended period. Otherwise, you can’t.
- Lower the front end of your bike.
- Remove a few spacers beneath the stem to lower it.
- Do exercise regularly for the flexibility of muscles.
- The aerodynamic position allows you to ride faster.
4. Set the Saddle
If you think that position of the seat or saddle does not matter at all in cycling, you must change your thoughts in this regard because you can never ride faster without setting the saddle. Now there are many things to understand here. Your saddle not only supports you but also helps you in controlling the bike. If you are not sitting comfortably on the saddle, you will cycle slower because the bike’s speed is connected to the seat’s position.
There are several elements to consider here. Like your height and the height of the seat. If you are tall and the size of your seat is too short, it will not let you cycle faster. Similarly, if you are short and your seat is high, again, it will create problems during the ride. So, the best solution is to check the bike before buying. Never buy a bike without considering your height and comfort level. Also, try to purchase bikes with adjustable seat heights.
- Adjust the height of the saddle/seat according to your size.
- Never buy a bike without considering your height.
- The more you will feel comfortable with the position of the seat, the more you will ride faster.
5. Adjust the Pedal Tension
Another way to ride fast is by adjusting the pedal tension. Now you might be thinking, what is the linkage between speed and pedal? So, first of all, you need to internalize that your bike’s speed is directly associated with pedaling. The more you will feel comfortable while pedaling, the faster you will ride. But sometimes, you forget this aspect and take it for granted.
Now the thing is, how is the pedal associated with speed? So, on every clipless pedal, there is a tension spring. This tension spring allows your foot to stay on the pedal for a longer run. If this tension spring is not adjusted accurately, it won’t make your foot comfortable. And you will never be able to ride faster. One thing you need to understand is floating. You must adjust the tension spring in a way so that your foot can flow easily.
- Adjust the tension spring accurately.
- Adjust it in a way so your foot gets a good grip and floating.
- It will help you ride faster.
6. Inflate the Tires
If you think that tires play no role in riding speed, you’re mistaken. Because tires play a vital role, and if you ignore tires and focus on other parts, your tires won’t let you ride smoothly. So, tires are equally important as any other factor. But what’s the connection between tires and speed? If you want to ride on smooth roads, you must inflate your tire accurately.
For smooth and bump-free roads, the inflation level should be 120 psi. It is the highest level. But on slippery roads, it will help you ride faster. On the other hand, you need to inflate your tires between 90-120 psi for rough terrains. If you raise your tires fully on rugged landscapes, you won’t have control over your bike. So, try not to exceed the recommended inflation level according to your ride type and time. It will help you a lot.
- Inflate your tires accurately.
- On rough terrains, inflate from 90-120 psi
- And on smooth roads, inflate up to 120 psi.
- Follow the recommendations according to your terrain and time.
- These prospects will help you ride faster.
7. Keep it Lighter
Fast cycles are lighter because a heavy bike will not let you ride faster. So, how can you make your bike lighter to ride faster? For that purpose, you need to opt for a lightweight bike. If you want to participate in a race or enjoy your bike extra fast, you must think before buying. If you choose a heavy bike, it won’t let you ride comfortably. And also, it won’t allow you to ride faster.
So, to cycle faster, you must not neglect this aspect. There are many bikes available on Amazon that are very lightweight and easy to ride. Moreover, if you have a heavy bike and are banging your head in the wall and thinking about making your bike faster now? Still, there is an option. You can change a few parts of your bike and use the lighter ones. Also, wear more lightweight clothes while riding.
- Do not opt for a heavy bike.
- Choose a lightweight bike.
- Or else, change the parts of your bike and use lighter ones.
- Wear comfortable and light clothes while riding.
- Avoid having heavyweights on your bike if you intend to ride faster.
FAQs on How to Make Your Bike Faster
How to Make Your Bike Faster?
To make your bike faster, you need to pay attention to many things. And these things include cleaning, clothing, weight, brakes, position, wind pressure, and a lot more.
Why is it Necessary to Make Your Bike Faster?
Some people love riding faster, and sometimes it is necessary, especially if you are in an emergency you need to ride faster. So, there are a lot of conditions making it necessary to ride faster.
What is the Importance of Aerodynamic Position?
It is a particular position that helps you ride faster. In aerodynamic position, your upper body is still, and your legs move. Moreover, in this specific position front end of your body is lower down. And all these things help you ride faster.
Why is it Necessary to Lube the Drivetrain?
Suppose you are not lubricating the drivetrain regularly. A lot of dirt will start accumulating, and it will be greasy. And ultimately, it will slow down your bike. So, it is necessary to lube the drivetrain if you want to ride faster.
What is the Importance of a Lightweight Bike in Riding faster?
A lightweight bike is easy to manage and control. At the same time, a heavy bike is difficult to balance. If you have a heavy bike, you can change a few of its components and have lighter ones. It will help you ride faster. Apart from this, you need to wear more lightweight clothes too.
The Key Takeaways
The bottom line is to cycle faster you need to pay attention to many things. And these things include cleaning. If you are not cleaning your bike regularly, it will rust away and decay. Moreover, the accumulation of dirt and grease will not let you ride faster. So, try to clean your bike regularly. Another essential thing is to lube the drivetrain. If you lubricate it with a good lubricant, it will help you ride faster, and you will love the efficiency of your bike.
Apart from this, you need to set your position while riding. If you are sitting in an aerodynamic position, it will help you ride faster. Because in this position, your upper body becomes still, and your legs move freely. Moreover, you are bent, making you more focused and active. Also, you must set the saddle position according to your height. If you are sitting comfortably, then it will help you cycle faster.
Another thing is to adjust the pedal tension. You can set it by settling down the spring on the pedal. It will help your foot have a firm grip, and you will ride comfortably. Also, allow floating while pedaling. And, you must check out the wind pressure. If the wind pressure is according to the terrain, you can ride faster. Otherwise, it will slow down your bike. And last but not least, keep your bike weight-free. It will help you ride like a star.
Hopefully, this article will help you understand how to ride your bike faster by following these simple tips and tricks.