Calories Burned Biking/Cycling Calculator – How It Works

A cycle is an essential part of modern culture, particularly as a widely known mode of transportation.

However, there are a lot more uses for cycling. It relieves stress, it’s fantastic for exploration, and of course, it’s one of the top workout equipment ever.

The low-impact aspect of pedaling to move a cycle ahead tends to make it suitable for almost everybody, and they are also reasonably priced.

Furthermore, just like everything else, there are various pricing groups. Anyway, let’s discuss our amazing cycling calorie calculator which will prove extremely useful whether you’re planning on getting stronger for cycling or by cycling.

So, let’s get started!

What are Calories?

A calorie is an energy unit. They are utilized to calculate the amount of energy in the meals we consume and the percentage of calories we lose during daily tasks and different types of physical activities.

The calories taken through meals differ depending upon the quantity and the type of food consumed.

Varying workouts and sports activities burn a specific portion of calories. For instance, jogging gently for 10 minutes burns a considerably lesser amount of calories than pedaling at max power for an hour.

1 pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. Thus, for every 3500 calories, you consume more than those you burn, you will gain 1 pound of body fat.


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    In comparison, if you want to burn 1lb of body fat, you have to expend 3,500 more calories than your intake.

    One of the most successful and smartest strategies to reduce weight is to lower the calories you intake while raising the calories you expend through a consistent workout routine.

    What Factors Impact Calories Burned and Weight Loss?

    There are four key points to consider when calculating calories burnt and weight reduction.

    1. Bodyweight


    As a calorie is a unit of energy, therefore, a bigger individual takes additional effort to move their limbs than a smaller one.

    Consider how a bigger car needs more petrol as compared to a smaller one. So, weight has an impact on fuel usage which is the quantity of power consumed.

    However, this also implies that the bigger individual needs to spend more calories while they are inactive or in a relaxed condition. It’s also defined as metabolic rate

    2. Time and Distance Traveled

    time and distance graph 1

    Although tension and intensity can increase calories burnt, the more calories you will expend, the longer you pedal and the farther you ride.

    You can meet your calorie loss aim by increasing your intensity and tension or by increasing your route. It all comes down to the eventual result you want.

    3. Speed

    A Slim Runner-Carousel

    The quicker you cycle, the larger distance you will traverse and the more calories you will expend in the equivalent amount of time as if you pedaled slowly.

    4. Choice of the Exercise


    We know that leisure riding, terrain cycling, and passive biking each done for 30 minutes will provide distinct outcomes. So, perform that workout which you can enjoy.

    How Many Calories Does Biking Burn?


    To measure calories burnt, we have to first understand how to estimate the intensity and analyze workout selection.

    Assessing your power level is the most straightforward and accurate approach to determine this.

    If you don’t own a power meter on your cycle, we highly suggest that you employ a cycling watt calculator to get this value.

    In this scenario, the method for calculating calories absorbed takes into consideration the average power (Power) and the duration of time of the action (T):

    • Calories = ((Power * T) / 4.18 ) / 0.24

    Whereas 4.18 is the direct conversion from Joules (SI unit) to calories and 0.24 is the typical adult body’s cycling effectiveness (24 percent).

    Although, sometimes you only want to search for a quick estimate or you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to perform such calculations.

    The units MET are being used here. The energy value of a regular workout is stated using the Metabolic Equivalent of Tasks (METs).

    Easily defined, they calculate the number of calories you expend every hour of exercise and per 1 kg of your body weight.

    For instance, MET for casual cycling is equivalent to 4, but the figure for someone competing in a race and pedaling at a speed over 20 mph can reach as much as 16.

    As a result, selecting just a certain kind of exercise is insufficient – in some calculators, you can generally find a single MET value for a bike equivalent to 8.5 or 8.0, which is an average figure for all forms of biking.

    The calories burned cycling calculator employs the following method for calculating total calories expended:

    Calories = T * 60 * MET * 3.5 * W / 200 

    Under which T is the length of the action in hours, W denotes your weight in kilos (also including bike and other gear), and MET denotes the metabolic equal of the specific action.

    To measure weight reduction, you have to first determine how much energy is contained in our fat tissues: roughly 7700 calories are contained in each kilo of body fat.

    It indicates that when you’ve evaluated the number of calories burnt, all you need to do is split by 7700 to get the weight loss in kgs:

    Weight loss = calories / 7700

    How Many Calories Can I Burn Cycling?

    The amount of calories you can lose through a regular workout is affected by a wide range of aspects, including your weight, workout level, time, and how long you conduct the exercise. As a result, it varies considerably.

    However, this calculator effectively handles most of the guessing for you. Just enter the required data and it will provide you with a reasonable estimation of the calories burnt while cycling.

    Although, we have included samples of how our calories burned calculator would evaluate calories expended.

    A 200 lb individual who cycles for 1 hour and goes about 10 miles will expend 648 calories, as per the calories burned cycling calculator.

    But if a 150 lb individual who rides for 1.5 hours over a distance of around 25 miles would have burnt approximately 1286 calories.

    This exact individual will burn approximately 48 calories if they cycle 1 mile in 5 minutes at 12 mph.

    The number of calories you can expend when riding or performing any other type of strenuous task is determined by a lot of aspects.

    However, it’s difficult to accurately calculate calories lost by exercise, our calculator is meant to offer a good measure of energy usage.

    Wrapping Up

    There is no doubt that cycling is one of the fantastic methods to stay physically fit and improve your overall health.

    If you aim to explore the outdoors, get fit, or enjoy time with friends and family, cycling is likely to suit your athletic and psychological desires.

    If your intention is just to expend calories and lose weight, you should begin using a calories burned calculator made primarily for cycling.

    Our calculator takes into consideration a variety of criteria that can influence your energy usage, such as speed, weight, distance, and duration spent cycling.

    Utilizing a calculator will assist you in reaching your fitness and weight reduction objectives in a timely and effective manner.

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    Calories Burned Biking/Cycling Calculator - How It Works — Bike Hacks